Advertise on the Podcast


Advertise on the Podcast

from $10.00

Advertise your business, service, website, or product on The Broken Brain. We are a weekly Psychology and Mental Health Podcast with an emphasis on providing helpful information about Mental Health and Psychotherapy, with a fun and spirited twist. Give us a listen, see if we are right for you.

We would love to represent your product or service.

Some customer service studies indicate that 75-80 percent of advertisements placed on podcasts result in new customers for the advertiser. Listeners enjoy hearing about products from their favorite podcast personalities. 

Because we are a program made up of licensed mental health professionals, we do reserve the right to turn down any products or services that might conflict with professional ethics or goals of the show. In those (rare) cases, a full refund is provided.  

Single Ad-one mention:
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When you select an option, please be aware that the ad frequency refers to the number of times the product or service would be mentioned. 

Single Ad: one mention in an episode coming up within the next 4 weeks. 

Month: The ad will be mentioned in every episode during one month. We have 4 full episodes (hour long) long and 1-4 mini episodes (10-30 minutes) per month.

The other options indicate sponsorship for periods of longer than one month. The ad would appear in every episode during this time.